Get new clients for your sports centre without investment

Jun 3, 2024 | Marketing sports centres

Attracting new customers to your sports club can be a challenge, especially if you have a limited budget. However, there are strategies that work and don’t require investment. In this article, we tell you about 5 strategies to attract new customers to your sports club. Let’s take a look at them!

How to recruit members for a sports club?

Identify your target audience

Knowing and understanding your target audience is fundamental to designing strategies that really work. Without market research and without identifying your buyer persona, all your efforts will be in vain. To do this, you need to ask yourself the following question: Who do you want to attract to your club?

Use tools such as surveys, demographic data analysis and direct observation and analysis of your existing users to understand who your ideal customers are and what motivates them to join your sports club.

The success of a sports centre lies in giving users what they want. Do you really know what they value most? We tell you: What do users look for in a sports centre?

Highlight your unique value proposition

Once you are clear about who your potential members are, it’s time to highlight what makes your sports club special and different from others. Do you have elite coaches who offer personalised training programmes? Do you offer facilities equipped with the latest in sports technology? Or perhaps you have a vibrant and welcoming community?

Identify your strengths and communicate them clearly. In addition, think about offering special incentives for new members, such as discounted membership fees or exclusive access to complementary services like nutritionists or physiotherapists, to make your offer even more attractive.

Work on customer service

Once you have attracted the attention of potential members, it is essential to ensure that they have a good experience from their first contact with the club until they finally sign up.

Respond quickly to any doubts and questions they may have along the way, and make sure that the on-boarding process is as smooth and easy as possible.

On the other hand, remember that customer service does not end once they join your club. You need to take care of the user experience every day. Maintain constant communication with your current members, keeping them informed about events, news and opportunities within the club. Also, actively listen to their comments and suggestions, and take action to address any issues they may have.

In this article we tell you the 4 keys to customer service that make the difference: How to improve customer service in a sports club?


Attract new customers to your sports club without investment with these 5 strategies

Now, let’s look at five practical strategies you can implement to attract new customers to your sports club without making significant financial investments:

1. Reward your existing customers

One of your club’s most valuable assets is your existing members. And one of the most effective ways to attract new customers is through positive word of mouth from your members.

Encourage loyalty and participation by offering incentives and rewards for recommending your club to friends and family. You can offer discounted membership fees or free extra services in exchange for leaving a review on the website, for example. Another example of an action you can take is to offer special prizes for members who have brought in 5 new members.

By rewarding the loyalty and support of your existing members, you will not only motivate them to promote your club, but also strengthen the community bonds between members.

2. Update your website and improve the registration process

A clear and easy-to-navigate website is essential to attract new customers to your sports centre. Make sure you keep updating the information and improving the content of your website so that it does not become obsolete and serves as your main customer acquisition tool.

What content to include on the website? Highlight the most important information and the most attractive aspects of your club, such as facilities, classes, prices and events. It would also be a good idea to include testimonials from satisfied members to add extra confidence.

It also simplifies the online registration process to make it quick and easy for new customers. It uses concise registration forms, and offers secure and varied payment options.

A positive user experience on your website will increase the likelihood that visitors will become members.

 3. Make the most of email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for attracting new customers and building loyalty among existing ones. Create an email list of potential customers interested in your club, either through website registrations, promotional events or club visits.

Send regular emails with valuable content, such as training tips, new classes, event updates and special offers….. And don’t forget to personalise your messages, and use eye-catching subject lines to increase your email open rates.

Are your members not reading your emails? Do you want to increase the open rate of your emails? This article will be very useful for you: 5 emails that your sports centre’s members will open.

 4. Optimise your Google My Business profile

If you haven’t heard of Google My Business, it’s not long now…
To increase your online visibility, make sure your profile is complete and up to date with accurate information about your club, including opening hours, location and contact details.

In addition, encourage your members to leave positive reviews on your profile, which will improve your ranking in local search results and increase the trust of potential customers. Google My Business also allows you to post updates about special events, promotional offers and class schedules, keeping your members informed at all times.

Learn how to boost the visibility of your sports centre with Google My Business. Find out how to avoid common mistakes in this article: How to use Google My Business for your sports centre.

5. Work on your sports club’s social media presence

Social media allows you to connect with your members and foster a sense of community beyond your club while reaching out to potential customers.

First of all, analyse where your target audience is. You should not be in all the networks, but in those that are really going to bring you a real benefit.

What to publish? Put yourself in the shoes of your members (current and potential) and share content that you think they would find interesting. It can be anything from training tips, photos of your facilities, videos of events, inspirational stories from other members to special promotions. As long as it’s targeted to your audience, anything is welcome.

How to create your gym’s Instagram strategy? We give you the keys: 7 steps to create your gym’s Instagram strategy.

Once you have started publishing content, encourage participation with contests, polls or live Q&A sessions with one of the coaches, for example. Also, take advantage of social media to interact closely with your partners and foster that sense of community we talked about earlier.


The success of a sports club is not only measured by the quality of its facilities or the experience of its coaches, but also by its ability to attract and retain members. Throughout this article, we have looked at strategies to achieve just that, without the need for large investments.

Looking for strategies to attract new customers to your sports centre?

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Guide to attract new clients to your sports centre

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