5 emails your sports centre members will open

Feb 5, 2024 | Sports management

Imagine opening your email and finding a message that not only informs you but also motivates you and makes you feel part of something bigger. We already know that standing out from the crowd is crucial, and when it comes to the emails your sports center sends to its members, even more so.

In this article, we’ll explore five types of emails that will assist you in user retention and that your members will undoubtedly open. Let’s get started!

5 emails your sports centre member will open

1. Newsletter for updates and events

Subject: “Get Ready for a Unique Experience!”

  • Message: This isn’t just another informative email. It’s not merely email marketing. It’s an invitation to immerse yourself in the excitement that only our sports center can offer. We present to you the latest updates and events that will transform your workout into a unique experience.
  • Added value: From themed classes to challenges, discover what awaits you in the upcoming weeks. We not only want to keep you informed but also to ensure you’re prepared and giving it your all.
  • Resasports tip: Personalize messages with each user’s name and exclusive previews to generate anticipation.

2. Exclusive discounts and promotions

Subject: “VIP Members Alert! Enjoy a 20% Discount on Group Classes This Month”

  • Message: As a VIP member, you deserve exclusive benefits. This month, we’re offering you a special discount to make the most of our group classes. It’s not just a discount; it’s a token of our appreciation for being part of our community.
  • Added value: From yoga to high-intensity training, you can now take advantage of exclusive discounts on all our classes. We’re not only committed to improving your health but also to doing it in the most accessible way possible.
  • Resasports tip: Create a sense of urgency with a clear deadline. For example, “Offer valid only until [Date]!” This way, you’ll not only grab the attention of your existing customers but also potential ones.

3. Personalized training sessions

Subject: “Achieve Your Goals with Our Personalized Training!”

  • Message: We understand that each member is unique, just like their goals. That’s why we’ve crafted personalized training sessions tailored to your objectives. It’s not just an exercise program; it’s your personalized journey towards success. Towards the best version of yourself.
  • Added Value: Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or enhance your endurance, our trainers have created a workout program for every goal. Additionally, with links to videos and tips on technique, they’ll guide you through each session.
  • Resasports tip: Encourage members to share their goals for even more tailored workouts. “Let us know, and we’ll adjust your plan to help you reach your goal as quickly as possible!”

4. Member stories

Subject: “Discover María’s Transformation Journey!”

  • Message: Behind every member, there’s a story. In this email, we present the amazing transformation of María, one of our members. It’s not just her story; it’s living proof that with effort, all limits can be overcome.
  • Added value: Use social media to showcase your members. From before-and-after photos to exclusive interviews, we share every detail of María’s journey. We want you to see that you’re not alone in your challenges and that, together, we can achieve all the goals you set.
  • Resasports tip: Invite other members to share their own stories and create a supportive community. “Do you have a story you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it!” This way, you enhance user satisfaction by making them feel valued.

5. Rewards programs

Subject: “Accumulate Points and Enjoy Exclusive Rewards!”

  • Message: Your loyalty deserves to be rewarded. With our rewards program, you not only train or attend classes, but you also earn points that translate into exclusive experiences. It’s not just a program; it’s our way of thanking you for choosing us.
  • Added value: From additional discounts to exclusive access to events, discover how every activity at our center brings you closer to incredible rewards. We want each visit to be special, and our rewards program is the perfect way to achieve that.
  • Resasports tip: Organize exclusive special events for program members to foster member loyalty and motivation. “Only for those who have accumulated 50 points: Don’t miss our exclusive event next.”


Sending these type of emails, your sports center not only communicates effectively but also employs a retention strategy. Customize each message, use intriguing subject lines, and watch as attendance rates increase, enhancing the overall user experience at your sports center.

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