Ellos te lo cuentan mejor

«Gestionar más de 500 cursos de natación, pistas, gimnasio… nos llevaba mucho tiempo. Ahora, con Resasports, gestionamos todo de una forma fácil y rápida y tenemos más timpo para dedicar a los socios»

Lydia Cooper

Manager, Sylvestrian Leisure Centre

“Nos gustaría expresar nuestro agradecimiento por contar con profesionales de este nivel en vuestra empresa. Sin duda la atención al cliente es de 10, junto con el software”

Jose G.

Manager, Estímulo Óptimo

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Ellos te lo cuentan mejor

“Managing more than 500 swimming courses, tracks, gyms… took a lot of time. Now, with Resasports, we manage everything easily and quickly and have more time to devote to our members.

Lydia Cooper

Manager, Sylvestrian Leisure Centre

“I am really happy and impressed with the ease of communication and great service that I received from the Resasports team. They configured all the software exactly as we needed it in a more-than-reasonable space of time.

We would like to add to it is great that you have such top-quality professionals in your company. Without a doubt, the customer service and software are both a 10.”

Jose G.

Manager, Estímulo Óptimo